Checking the RSF-1 Cluster Status

Checking the Status

To check the rsf-1 cluster status go to the web-gui and log in with your administrator credentials.


If you wish to check the status of your heartbeat for all configured nodes go to the Heartbeats section.


Creating a secondary Heartbeat monitor

To add a new Heartbeat, you must add the hostname for the remote node to your hosts file.

With Napp-IT you need to go to your Web-GUI. Then open the menu System → Network Eth → hosts


And add the name you wish to give the Heartbeat to your hosts list. I recommend adding both this node’s and the peer entry to all nodes.


Once you’ve done that head over to your Heartbeats section in RSF-1


Hit the “Add Network Heartbeat Pair” button on the top right.


Select the Heartbeat Pair and hit Submit.