Generating an OpenVPN Certificate

Creating the Certificate

  1. To create a certificate within your OPNSense OpenVPN Server, you must first go to System → Trust → Certificates.


  1. Click on + at the top of the data table.


  1. Here you’ll be able to create a new certificate, bear in mind it’s recommended to follow a naming convention you’ll remember.

We usually use the following settings:

  • Key Type: RSA - 8192
  • Digest Algorithm: sha512
  • Lifetime: 36500 days

For example:



Assigning an Alias

This is mostly for ACLs and Permission Management. If you’ve assigned permissions to the entire Road Warrior subnet it might be redundant/unnecessary to assign a specific IP.

Once you’ve created the Certificate you’ll most likely want to allocate a /30 subnet or specific IP Address to it.

There are two ways to do it, but firstly you’ll want to assign it an alias.

To do this go to Firewall → Aliases and create a new alias in which you set up the desired Subnet or IP Address.


Create the alias with the corresponding IP Octet or /30 subnet.


Allocating a Subnet or an Address

Once you’ve created an alias for the certificate you’ll need to actually assign that address or subnet to the Certificate Client with a CSO (Client Specific Override).

You can do this by going to VPN → OpenVPN → Client Specific Overrides

  • Hit the + button at the bottom.
  • In the Common Name you’ll want to enter the Certificate name you’ve used.
  • In the Tunnel Settings set the /30 subnet or the Assigned IP in /24 CIDR Notation.



Export Certificate

Finally you can export the certificate as an .ovpn file from the VPN → OpenVPN → Client Export tab.
